
Tchaikovsky’s Inner Life,
Revealed by Himself 130 Years Later
written via past life regression therapy
130 years after the death of one of the world’s greatest composers, a most surprising testimony is born. Written via past life regression therapy, Being Pyotr Ilyich – Tchaikovsky’s Inner Life, Revealed by Himself 130 Years Later is an astonishing confession, an unexpected and unique kind of autobiography.
Reincarnated on Earth, the spirit who lived within the 19th century composer discovered their past life through a complex therapeutic process of emotional healing and chose to share it with us.
Chris Nielsen’s Being Pyotr Ilyich is the most intimate disclosure possible, offered to those who really want to understand what Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky LIVED and FELT. It is THE STORY OF HIS INNER LIFE.
Written with elegance and a dynamic rhythm, this spiritual book follows the most important moments in Tchaikovsky’s life, described in 20 chapters, from his birth, passing through his childhood, his first encounters with music, the drama of his mother’s death, his studies at the Conservatory and more.
One of the most confidential topics addressed is the main drama that defined Tchaikovsky’s existence: the extremely painful inner conflict between his feminine soul and his masculine body. Homosexuality – or, perhaps, even more accurately called transsexuality – is approached in a profound way that characterises the entire book. An important part is dedicated to Tchaikovsky’s dramatic love stories, which give birth to some extremely touching testimonies, full of emotion and written with sincerity and tenderness. His ill-fated marriage or the very special relationship with his ‘Mecenas’ – in the person of Nadezhda Filaretovna von Meck – are also described in this volume.
Moreover, the composer invites us to peep into his personal creative laboratory. He reveals the intimate creative process behind masterpieces of classical music, such as the ‘Romeo and Juliet’ overture, the Piano Concerto No. 1 or Symphony No. 6 – ‘Pathétique’. We also learn very interesting information about his special relationship to ballet or about what Pyotr Ilyich believed regarding the natural gift of composing, the idea of teaching music, the difference between a mediocre creation and a masterpiece and so on.
As the author clearly states in the introduction, Being Pyotr Ilyich also answers the frequent questions that people have continued to ask following the composer’s sudden and unexpected death: “how did Tchaikovsky die? suicide or cholera?” Although you will certainly find explanations to these questions and will understand the family secrets and the greatest drama that led to the composer’s tragic death, the story itself is surpassed by the deep meaning that is situated behind the events described.
The most important author of this book is, in fact, God himself, whose words, spoken for the healing of my own soul, I have rendered. And it is precisely these truths, which the Divinity has shared with me, that are the main reason why I felt an almost sacred duty to pass this book on.
Chris Nielsen
What is really fascinating is that far beyond the story of his own life, the author allows the reader to penetrate into the intimate dialogue between their spirit and the Divinity itself, a dialogue issued within the regression therapy, in the sacred space that we might call the ‘afterlife’ or ‘life between lives’. Thus, the book is not only the sincere account of an earthly existence, but, most importantly, it relates the astonishing truths about the reasons behind all the suffering that people continually experience during a lifetime.
Written with multiple layers of understanding, Being Pyotr Ilyich may be read simply as the life story of a great composer. However, much more than this, it is a SPIRITUAL BOOK. You will discover a revealing story about how the Divinity plans each of our departures from Heaven to Earth and a new approach to human destiny and to the meaning of our existence.
Ten pages, twenty pages, thirty pages… My eyes moving by themselves. I couldn’t stop, surprised by the emotion and the obvious sincerity of their author, whose writing talent was itself overtaken by ‘something else’, something impalpable and magnificently profound. (…)
I should say that my soul was won over by Pyotr Ilyich’s post-mortem confession. I say ‘my soul’ as I realised that I was in the presence of one of those works that address the human heart directly, by avoiding the mediation of the mind.
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- The Prologue
- The Arrival
- My First Encounters with Music
- My Mother’s Departure
- A New Way
- The Conservatory and My First Creations
- An Ill-Fated Love
- My Family
- The Piano Concerto
- A Failed Marriage
- Coming Back to Life. Kotek
- Nadezhda Filaretovna
- An Angel
- My Most Beautifully Creative Years
- The Beginning of the Disaster
- Vichy. Love. Drama.
- The Agony
- The ‘Pathétique’ Symphony
- Beyond the Body
- Instead of an Epilogue

Everything I lived was recorded by my heart much more sharply than other spirits. I felt the reality too intensely, as if my soul could be molded by the slightest breeze of wind and it didn’t take long for tears to flow almost with anger from my eyes. The pain ran through my whole being in an instant.
My being ‘vibrated’ exactly as my music sounds. There was never a small fire in me. The fire in me burned with a great flame and also burnt myself. The intensity in me was that of a volcano, it was one that goes from the fragility of a detail that shakes you, to the violent force of a summer storm.
Chris Nielsen
Chris Nielsen’s life journey has involved two parallel paths, on two different levels. Since 2007, she has dedicated her career to art and communication – working as a marketing/public relations specialist for cultural organisations. In parallel, during the last nine years, she has become a therapist, having trained herself in different types of alternative medicine.
During her childhood and adolescence, Chris Nielsen attended ten years of classical ballet classes and then dedicated her university studies both to theatre directing and to communication (graduating with a specialisation in Public Relations and Advertising).
While studying in France, as part of a European Union scholarship, her training in the artistic field and in communication eventually reunited on the same professional path. At the Université Lumière Lyon 2 – France, Chris Nielsen began her focus on management and marketing for cultural institutions and artistic projects, followed by a master’s degree in cultural marketing in Metz, France, thanks to a scholarship awarded by the French Government.
For 15 years, Chris Nielsen has been working in the cultural field, promoting both independent artistic projects and cultural institutions. She was communication assistant for the 63rd Cannes Film Festival – France.
Most often, Chris Nielsen has dedicated her PR activities to performing arts institutions, a few of the companies for which she has been working being: the Bucharest National Opera, the European Funded project studiOpera – developed by Accademia di Teatro alla Scala (Milan, Italy) alongside the Bucharest National Opera, the International Festival of Radio Orchestras – RadiRo and the concert season at the Romanian Radio Concert Hall, both presented by the Romanian Radio Broadcasting Company.
For three years she has been writing articles on music, dance and other areas of the Arts for the Romanian magazine Historia.
In May 2011 she published, in Paris, her first book (written in French): ‘European Opera Nowadays: How to Promote a Performance?’ – ‘Les opéras européens aujourd’hui: comment promouvoir un spectacle?’ – Editions Harmattan.
In 2012 she received a grant awarded by Opera Europa (the European Opera Association) and was one of the alumni of the first Leadership Intensive Program for Opera Management – New York – organised by Opera America (the USA Opera Association).
In parallel with her PR professional activities, for the past nine years, Chris Nielsen has studied (along with her husband) various therapeutic branches of complementary medicine: energy therapies (Reiki, bioenergy therapies etc.), hypnosis therapy and past life regression (courses organised by the Past Life Regression Academy – London), as well as therapies related to physical health (reflexology, lymphatic massage, etc.).
In 2015, she earned her certification as a personal development counsellor. Together with her husband, Chris Nielsen presented (in 2017) a public workshop entitled ‘How does the healing process actually happen?’ – presented at the Hermitage Holistic Center (Bucharest). During this event, she presented to the participants a new approach to illness, from emotional causes (including ones originating in other past lives) to effects on the physical body, based on her holistic view on the relationship between soul, mind, energy and body.
Internationally known French best-selling author on spirituality, his works being translated into 17 languages.
Certainly, one leaves such a reading with the sensation of having taken a flight at altitude within the consciousness of one of the greatest classical musicians of all time…
However, the experience does not end there, for it gives the conviction of having been invited to penetrate a space where the Sacredness of Life is patiently elaborated, the space where Pyotr Ilyich, impregnated with a sublimated Nature, met this ineffable Power that he called ‘Our Father’ and of which he now gifts to us, in his own way, like a climax to his music.

Our life stories – apparently so different – are all crossed by much suffering and various dramas, behind which there always seems to be a single, almost desperate question of Man: “WHY?” – Why is this happening to me? Why are we here? What, after all, is life on Earth?
I have understood during recent years that perhaps the most precious thing we are all looking for is a MEANING to our existence, to contradict the apparent absurdity of the events we live. And it is precisely this search for MEANING that I would like this book to address to you.
© Chris Nielsen, 2023